Jasir started teaching 2 children of his home-worker who could not afford to go to school
Dropped Out Children

He made a team of 3 volunteers and established Qadam as an institution to find deserving students and admit them to nearest low cost private schools. 50 children were supported.

Summer Camps

Apart from increasing the quantity of education, Qadam started to focus on the quality of education too and held various summer camps in order to increase the learning outcomes in low cost private schools

Inaugurated Own School

Because of various discrepancies, the team decided to establish its Qadam Community School and design impeccable models of education; so, it could be exported to neighboring communities

Teacher Training Program

Simultaneously, the team actively started training teachers in low cost private schools and impoverished communities to increase the impact of per rupee invested.

Creation of Trust

The school and institution was incorporated under Qadam Community Trust in order to operationalize and channelize our energies to all other fields along with education where well-being a child is at stake. #everychildmatter


Help us save someone’s dream!